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Haute Farms Carrot recipes. Impress the whole gang with these great carrot recipes, perfect for any setting.


Even young palates won’t protest the carrot's sweet, crunchy bite. While the bright orange supermarket variety claims mass popularity, heirloom carrots come in a rainbow of colors, from white to yellow to purple, as well as in squat, irregular shapes. This versatile vegetable can go far beyond the ubiquitous crudité platter. We like them grated raw with honey and spices for a punchy salad, roasted with orange zest and maple syrup, or shredded and baked into sweet cakes and breads. Though not widely used, the leaves of the plant are edible and have a flavor similar to curly parsley; use them to garnish carrot dishes, toss into salads, or throw into soup stock to add earthy pungency.Never run out of ways to use up those carrots this season with these great recipes.





How To Buy

Look for carrots that are smooth, firm, and crisp and have a deep color, an indicator of flavor. Avoid any with soft spots, discoloration, or sprouts from the root itself. We like to buy carrots with the greens still attached, for use in soups, salads, and other dishes.


How To Store

Remove the leaves before storing; they'll draw moisture from the root, so store them separately in a perforated plastic bag in the vegetable crisper. Store the carrots in a perforated plastic bag, also in the crisper, and avoid storing next to ethylene gas–releasing fruits like apples, apricots, melons, and figs.


How To Prepare

Wash carrots thoroughly with cold water, using a vegetable brush or your fingertips to get any grit off the surface. Peeling is optional—we tend to do this only with older, thicker carrots. To prepare the stems, rinse them in cold water and spin or pat dry with clean kitchen towels.