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Haute Farms is an online directory and food brokering firm highlighting seasonal ingredients and connecting local food systems.


Haute Farms Apple recipes. Impress the whole gang with these great apple recipes, perfect for any setting.


A crisp apple's widespread popularity is reflected in the incredible number of varieties available: In North America alone, there are 2,500 different types of apples, and more than 7,500 different kinds grown around the world. Along this range, not all apples serve the same purpose; particular types work better in different preparations. Gala, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious are best eaten raw, while those in the McIntosh family, including Cortland, Empire, and Macoun, are good options for applesauce or eating out of hand. Jonathan, Jonagold, Pink Lady, Mustu, and Rome are all well suited to baking, since they tend to hold their shape well—mix and match different flavors and textures to achieve your ideal combination.Never run out of ways to use up those apples this season with these great recipes.




How To Buy

Choose apples that are firm and unblemished. The old adage "a bad apple spoils the barrel" has a scientific basis: Apples emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process; the riper they are, the more ethylene they produce, which can rot other produce stored nearby.

How To Store

Store apples in a cool, dark place away from other ethylene-sensitive produce. Early in the season, they are best eaten as soon as possible; midseason apples will keep for weeks, and late-season fruit is good for up to a few months. Never freeze apples; it breaks down their cellular structure.


How To Prepare

To core apples, cut them into quarters and use a paring knife to remove the core. Cut apples will oxidize, so if you choose to cut them ahead, you can sprinkle lemon juice on them to prevent them from browning.