contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.


Minneapolis, MN, 55446
United States

(952) 688-1357

Eat. Shop. Discover. Fresh. Get seasonal recipes, and discover local farms and restaurants using local, seasonal products. Always Haute and Fresh with Haute Farms.

Haute Farms is an online directory and food brokering firm highlighting seasonal ingredients and connecting local food systems.


Haute Farms strives to not just meet but anticipate our customers needs. We work closely with our farms to ensure our crop planning supports our local restaurants seasonal menus and drives food trends. Haute Farms customers also gain the value of HF Codes to meet their local food marketing needs.


Haute Farms strives to not just meet, but anticipate our customers needs. We work closely with our farmers and artisans to ensure our product offerings drive food trends. Haute Farms customers also gain the value of HF Codes to connect their patrons with their food system quickly and easily.


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